7 Ways to Reach Your Health Goals

7 Ways to Reach Your Health Goals

I work with all different types of people to help them reach their personal health goals. While weight loss is an important goal for many, I help people focus on small steps to adopt healthier, life-long habits. It’s important to remember that day-to-day choices influence whether you maintain vitality while you age or develop health conditions. Change may seem tough at first, but with support, determination and these tips, you can be successful!

1. Create a Vision Board

The first step is to make sure your goal is clearly defined. Start by visualizing what you want to happen. While a mental picture is a great way to start, I suggest creating an actual board with pictures to capture how you want to feel. Starting each day with a strong visual reminder of your goals is a great way to keep you focused.

2.  Work on One Goal at a Time

By setting one small, attainable goal each week, it will help you reach your larger goal without feeling overwhelmed. Make a list of things to help reach your goal each week, and check off items you’ve accomplished. Give yourself small rewards along the way – it will help motivate you to reach your end goal.

3. Expect Setbacks

Often people tell me they ‘fell off the wagon’ and suggest starting over next month. The truth is we’re not perfect and you can’t expect to stay on track 100% of the time. If you find yourself making less than ideal choices one day, don’t worry. Let it go and get right back on the program. Remember, you’re working towards making life-long changes.

4. Stop the Negative Self-talk

Often when I begin working with someone they’ll describe themselves negatively without realizing it. The truth is you’ve already given yourself a tremendous gift by deciding to make positive, healthy changes. The constant negative talk gets heavy and drags you down. I encourage you to be loving to yourself. You’ll be surprised by the magical power of positive thinking.

5. Try Something New Each Week

It’s easy to make excuses not to exercise. Life gets busy and there are 100 other things to get in the way. The key is finding something you love to do. Instead of dragging yourself to the treadmill, why not try some new classes to see what sticks? Chances are you’ll find something you love and end up looking forward to your new fitness regime.

6. Accountability

Unless you are accountable, you will never really change your habits. There is always an excuse that allows you to easily slip into old patterns. Depending on your personality, there are several strategies including simple smartphone apps, journaling or utilizing a health coach!

7. Be Patient

There is no magic pill that makes things happen overnight. We all know making changes is hard and can be frustrating. The truth is if you stick with it you will feel better, look better and live longer. I promise.

This article was originally published on www.drfranklipman.com. Read the original here.

*Image of “ climber“ via Shutterstock