4 Reasons to Hop on the Treadmill This Fall

4 Reasons to Hop on the Treadmill This Fall

At Life Fitness, we champion running outdoors – few workouts are more exhilarating than traversing the open roads with the sun on your face and the wind at your back. 

But sometimes, due to personal preference, local convenience or inclement weather, we just want to hop on the treadmill.

Here are four big reasons to support just that this fall:

1. Treadmills Are Easier on Your Joints

One pitfall of running outdoors is the many rough surfaces that harshly impact your muscles, joints and bones. Pathways made of concrete and asphalt can be so bad that running on them consistently can lead to

“>shin splints or further damage. Thankfully, most good treadmills don’t have this problem. For instance, all Life Fitness treadmills are equipped with the FlexDeck Shock Absorption System, which cushions the joints after the impact of each stride, providing elastic resistance that imitates the most running-conducive natural surfaces.

2. Treadmills Have Countless Fitness and Entertainment Features 

Running outside can provide beautiful and dramatic vistas, but depending on location, it can also force you to look at derelict cityscapes, suburban strip malls and vast stretches of unchanging asphalt. Treadmills, however, possess a vast array of entertaining diversions that will invigorate your mind while making time go much faster. Life Fitness

“>Discover Consoles, for instance, support high-definition cable, high-speed internet, a variety of games and virtual courses, and compatibility with fitness-tracking wearables like Jawbone and Fitbit

3. Treadmills Operate in Perfect Conditions

As the seasons change, treadmills thankfully stay the same – they’re safe, convenient, and worlds apart from cold winds, intermittent rains, swarming vehicles and slippery surfaces. Put simply, treadmills offer you the most reliable terrain in the safest conditions, and exercise without worry is the best exercise of all.

4. Treadmills Can Mimic Outdoor Resistance

One assumed disadvantage of treadmills is in that they can’t compensate for the environmental challenges of running outside – wind resistance, changes in gradation and the lack of a self-propelling surface, for instance. Fortunately, the solution is as easy as clicking a button. If you adjust the treadmill incline to 1 percent,

“>says the Journal of Sports Science, that small alteration should simulate the energy expenditure of running on a flat surface outdoors.

In other words, your exercise output will be virtually identical. Happy trails!

Source: lifefitness.com/blog. Visit the Life Fitness blog for more health and fitness information.

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*Image of “girl“ via Shutterstock
Ashley McLean
Ashley McLean
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