Tourists from China Arrive in Taiwan to See Shen Yun

“It’s amazing! No wonder so many friends of mine recommended it,” one audience member said.
Tourists from China Arrive in Taiwan to See Shen Yun
Chiayi Performing Arts Center in Chiayi County (Luo Ruixun/The Epoch Times)
<a><img class="size-large wp-image-1789505" title="Chiayi Performing Arts Center_120404075913100440" src="" alt="Chiayi Performing Arts Center" width="590" height="442"/></a>
Chiayi Performing Arts Center

CHIAYI, Taiwan—Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company presented its final performance in Chiayi at the Performing Arts Center in Chiayi County on the evening of April 4. Shen Yun’s scheduled run in Chiayi was a great success with all tickets for all three performances sold out.

Shen Yun was warmly welcomed in Chiayi. Around 2,700 audience members were able to experience the glorious ancient Chinese cultural heritage.

Dozens of Chinese people from mainland China came to Chiayi County especially to see the world-renowned, New York-based performing arts company. Most of them were moved to tears as they expressed their wish to have Shen Yun perform in China.

Traditional Chinese culture was all but destroyed after 60 years of communist party rule and the Cultural Revolution in China and Shen Yun is not able to tour to the mainland under the present regime.

“It’s amazing! No wonder so many friends of mine recommended it,” one audience member said. “I was so moved by the performance,” said another. And “I was so happy to see the show!” exclaimed another.

During intermission, theatergoers talked about their joy and shared feelings with their friends. At the conclusion of the performance, the audience walked out of the theater with smiles and some with teary eyes. Among them were many visitors from China.

Although Shen Yun cannot currently perform in China, a DVD of the Shen Yun performance has been widely circulating in China. Dozens of mainland Chinese people came to Chiayi County especially to see Shen Yun live. One could hear people with different accents from China milling around the theater.

The mainland Chinese audience members were deeply moved by the display of traditional Chinese culture presented by Shen Yun. Most of them mentioned that they watched the DVD of the Shen Yun performance, but “it’s quite different from seeing the performance in the theater,” was heard to be said. Many mainlanders said they found it difficult to express how touched they were.

One lady said, “Shen Yun rediscovers the traditional Chinese culture!” Another, a Chinese gentleman said, “After seeing Shen Yun, I feel China has hope!”

Many of the Chinese visitors expressed the same expectation. “I hope Shen Yun can perform in China soon.”

Mr. Lee (a pseudonym) from China said, “All of the Shen Yun programs are very good. I had a kind of sacred feeling when seeing it in the theater. It can purify one’s soul.”

“I felt inexpressibly touched. It’s quite different from watching it on DVD,” said Ms. Han (a pseudonym) from China. She was so inexplicably moved that she could not help bursting into tears. “I don’t know why I burst into tears. I was in tears throughout the performance.”

With reporting Sunny Chao.

Shen Yun Performing Arts, based in New York, tours the world on a mission to revive traditional Chinese culture. Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company will perform in seven cities in Taiwan until April 8 and then continue to top venues in Australia and New Zealand.

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