‘The energy is exploding right off the stage,’ Says Former Ballet Teacher

‘The energy is exploding right off the stage,’ Says Former Ballet Teacher

“I am enthralled by this performance. I used to teach classical ballet for 20 years. The technical expertise is unequal to anything I have ever seen. It was wonderful. ... They are bringing 5,000 years of history right onto the stage in front of us.”

“The dancers are so finely trained, and the choreography is beautiful. The costuming, the sets, the lighting – all-in-all, it makes a wonderful, wonderful evening. Unforgettable.”

“Having the live musicians is really wonderful.”

“And to do it through dance; to do it through performance. It’s a very exciting way to bring it (traditional Chinese culture) to the American public in a way that they will really appreciate and really understand. Everyone in the audience is very excited.

“The energy is exploding right off the stage. It is so powerful. But it goes together with the music, the choreography, with the costumes. Altogether, it’s really a performance unequaled.”

“The carriage of the performers, and the way they project from the stage, and the perfection of their movements – they are so perfectly together – it will be playing in my mind for a very long time.”

“I really hope people can see it; is this the last night? Thank Heavens I got here.” 

“I’m just so thankful that [my friend] Bruce brought me here tonight; it was wonderful.” 

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