Technical Architect Enjoys Erhu Performance at Shen Yun

Technical Architect Enjoys Erhu Performance at Shen Yun
Wallace and Christie Hattenhauer, their daughter Blaine Hattenhauer and son Brad Hattenhauer, enjoyed a performance by Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Robinson Performance Hall, Little Rock, Arkansas, on Jan. 1, 2018. Christie Hattenhauer said the story of the persecution really touched her heart. Amy Hu/The Epoch Times

“I enjoyed all of those things but especially the music and the instruments. And whenever the person that came out with the two stringed instrument, I just loved it. It was just beautiful.”

“The story was very good. The similarities between Christianity, and God, and angels, and the things that were coming in, I can’t wait to talk to the kids about how in China, being completely separate than from the United States, or from other countries … how those similarities … just pass through people, different languages, different cultures, and everything. It was pretty nice.”

“I’d be very thankful when that does go away [the persecution]. It’s just a matter of time.”

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