Taiwanese Soprano Embraces the Beauty of Traditional Chinese Culture in Shen Yun

Taiwanese Soprano Embraces the Beauty of Traditional Chinese Culture in Shen Yun

“The soprano has a beautiful voice ... The singing technique of Shen Yun singers is different from the Italian bel canto. She sings with her soul. And you can connect with her heart if you listen carefully with your heart. The [singing] performance is truly beautiful.” 


“I grew up in Italy and I had never witnessed authentic traditional Chinese culture. Just now I was so shocked—our culture could be so beautiful.” 


“I believe this is the only [performing arts company] that is promoting authentic traditional Chinese culture ... it is so grand and so beautiful.” 


“Perfect! For me, the performance is a so beautiful. And to be able to enjoy such performance in Taiwan is truly amazing. I am happy to be on hand to see this artistic feast.” 

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