Build It Back Reimbursement Checks to Go Out this Month

Low-income New Yorkers waiting for Build it Back reimbursement checks should start receiving them around the end of February.
Build It Back Reimbursement Checks to Go Out this Month
Homes destroyed by Hurricane Sandy in the Rockaways, Queens, on Jan. 21, 2013. (Samira Bouaou/Epoch Times)

Low-income New Yorkers waiting for Build it Back reimbursement checks should start receiving them around the end of February. Build it Back is the city’s housing recovery program to help victims of Superstorm Sandy rebuild and repair their homes. One track of assistance is reimbursement for repairs that were done out of pocket for qualified applicants.

City council Member Donovan Richards, who represents communities in the Rockaways that were hard hit by the storm, said on Thursday night over Twitter that reimbursement checks will go out this month.

Richards hosted a town hall-style meeting with Build it Back representatives in the Rockaways to answer questions for some of the more than 9,000 Queens households who applied for help through the program.

Last week, Build it Back’s director of external affairs, Lolita Jackson, confirmed to Epoch Times that checks will start going out soon, though they will initially be for “some low-income applicants.”