Shen Yun’s Dancers Display Amazing Strength and Grace, Says Dancer-Choreographer

Shen Yun’s Dancers Display Amazing Strength and Grace, Says Dancer-Choreographer
Kylie Railton enjoyed the Shen Yun performance at Queen Elizabeth Theatre in Vancouver, Canada, on March 23, 2018. “The choreography was beautiful. We were up on the balcony so it was really nice to see all the transitions and all the formation changes where everything evolves from, and I really like that aspect because I’m a choreographer.” NTD Television

“It was beautiful. It was really well coordinated. It was very well executed. ... Everything was fantastic about it.”

“I learned a lot about China ... and the Chinese culture in the show. I really like the tales and some of the stories of different cultures. And all of these cultures are thousands of years old and all come from such different backgrounds. It’s really interesting to learn more about what the Chinese culture really is all about.”

“I loved all the props that they use ... the drums. And we both really loved the sleeves, the scarves. The handkerchiefs were awesome. All the props, all the colours were so vibrant. It really all came to life onstage.”

“Very strong dancers ... executing everything [with] such strength and grace, but yet jumping and tumbling. It was amazing.”

“The choreography was beautiful. We were up on the balcony so it was really nice to see all the transitions and all the formation changes where everything evolves from, and I really like that aspect because I’m a choreographer.”

“The last dance [‘The Divine Renaissance Begins’] was very powerful. I’m going to go home and read more about it all now. I found that really powerful and a lot of story behind it. That was a very powerful piece. It’s very eye-opening.”

“Tradition is our root, so when we lose tradition we’ve lost the root to all of us and civilization. I think it is really important for Chinese culture to be able to show what their root is. Same with every culture around the world—to have their root in traditions and be able to show it.”

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