Shen Yun’s Beauty and Precision Astonish Theatre Writer

Shen Yun’s Beauty and Precision Astonish Theatre Writer
Coral Drouyn was awe-struck by Shen Yun Performing Arts at the The Arts Centre Gold Coast on the evening of Jan. 20, 2018. “It was a magical, magical night,” she said. NTD Television

“I loved it! I thought it was exquisite. It’s not like anything else I’ve ever seen. … Shen Yun has just climbed the heights and found the excellence in everything.”

“Everything about it was moving, it was spiritually uplifting. The music was wonderful. The CGI and AV presentation is just brilliant. … It’s totally unique.”

“When Shen Yun comes, it’s an occasion. It’s something quite different. It’s beautiful, and that’s why it’s so uplifting. … It really is a night of perfection.”

“I think the live music and the coordination with the backdrops and projection is quite astonishing. … It’s an enormous feat to bring this many artists around the world.”

“Their technique is so astonishing. … All hands can move in unison, every finger can move in unison, every leg can move in unison. The precision, the discipline in it is just astonishing. … It’s the excellence in every tiny detail.”

“It was a magical, magical night, and I really urge the people in Perth, and in Bendigo, and in Sydney, if you get a chance to go, you must go and see it. And for those in other countries, if you get a touring company visiting, you’ve got to go and see them! It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and you must not miss it!”

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