In Shen Yun, Values Presented Majestically

In Shen Yun, Values Presented Majestically
Gerardo Martinez and Terri Martinez with their daughter, Emily, enjoy Shen Yun Performing Arts at the Music Hall Kansas City. Helen Peng/Epoch Times

KANSAS CITY, Mo.—“This is so exciting. I love the story. I love the performance. The dancers are awesome,” said Gerardo Martinez after seeing Shen Yun Performing Arts on the evening of May 5, at the Music Hall Kansas City.

“I love a story that proclaims principles, such as truth, integrity, compassion, and this sets [a] great example for all of us,” he added.

Shen Yun is a world-class dance and music company, based in New York, which endeavors to present the world with a true depiction of traditional Chinese culture through the fine art of classical Chinese dance.

“A Shen Yun performance features the world’s foremost classically trained dancers, a unique orchestra blending East and West, and dazzling animated backdrops—together creating one spectacular performance,” according to the company’s website.

Mr. Martinez works for the Human Development at UMKC, so working together to bring unity to different cultures is something he is very familiar with. He commented, “My heart is expounding with joy and happiness knowing that other cultures are also working to living a life of principles.”

As a gift to their daughter, Emily, who is studying ballet, Gerardo and his wife, Terri, bought her front row tickets to tonight’s performance.

He felt the performance really opened his eyes about how we share similar values although we come from different cultures. He realized that “we can really become one with our creator, however you call it, so we all can be unified,” he said.

It raised his awareness about Chinese culture: “Shen Yun’s performance was majestic. It’s a blend of beauty and strength. It’s a blend of truth and humility, but also bravery and courage to stand for what is true. I love that China is a very rich country, with so many wonderful values, that I’m just humbled to be able to be exposed to a little bit of … what Chinese culture embraces dearly.”

Shen Yun’s website states, “For 5,000 years divine culture flourished in the land of China. Humanity’s treasure was nearly lost, but through breathtaking music and dance, Shen Yun is bringing back this glorious culture.”

Mrs. Terri Martinez commented, “My heart just aches for what’s been lost. I was almost given to weeping, just to understand what’s been lost. So I really appreciate what they are doing, raising awareness and sharing with the world what they have and their roots.”

Mr. Martinez said he would tell family and friends to just come see it and keep their eyes open.

He'd also tell them, “Regardless where you are in the whole world, principles are the same. We should strive to live that way, so that we can have more peace, more joy, and just work together. This is just beautiful, I’m grateful again for this opportunity to watch this event. This performance is beyond what I can express in gratitude.”

Reporting by Helen Peng and Andrew Darin

 New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform around the world. For more information, visit

Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reaction since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006