Shen Yun Truly Spectacular, Buenos Aires City Official Says

Shen Yun Truly Spectacular, Buenos Aires City Official Says
Pablo Quirno attended the Shen Yun performance at the Teatro Ópera, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on March 1, 2018. Miguel Díaz/The Epoch Times

“The truth is, it is an amazing show—the dancer´s dexterity, the orchestra, a mirror of the Chinese culture at its maximum splendor.”

“That contrast [Western and Eastern musical instruments] is one of the most stunning things of the entire show. The scenes, the use of the screens [animated digital backdrops], the orchestra, the choreography—it is truly a spectacular thing.”

“[Shen Yun’s mission] is very important. Precisely, it mirrors the traditions and also gets to an important and diverse audience of different cultures and, in a way it is an ambassador … that tours the world.”

“[Shen Yun] is a very important cultural experience where the values of an ancient culture are reflected.”

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