Shen Yun Moves Long Beach Audiences With Its Spirit


Shen Yun Performing Arts is completing its three-day run in Long Beach California. Ticket sales have been going strong, so the organizer added one more show on April 22.

Paul Taylor, a Senate candidate for California, watched Shen Yun at the Long Beach Terrace Theater.

“[The choreography is] really amazing. The colors and the screens, and the way [the dancers appear to] go from the screen out to real life and all that stuff—marvelous,” said Taylor. “The quality of the instruments, and how they play their instruments is superb.”

“I think it’s wonderful. I keep forgetting that it’s live,” said Sally Flowers, mayor of the City of Artesia. “I think it’s a real nice addition.”

“The dancers were unbelievable. The costumes were fabulous. The music was moving. It was just a great show,” said Woody Woodrum, director of Maxon Lift Corp, and Trump Campaign California State Chairman. “Everything that I saw, it was just inspiring and invigorating.”

According to its website, Shen Yun, the classical Chinese dance and music company has story-based dances that depict mini-history lessons and scenes from classical Chinese literature.

“They can take and use the stories of the history, and put it into an entertainment method, with the beauty of the history of the people. It’s wonderful,” said Taylor.

“Very educational from our point of view,” said Al Ethans, Stanton city council member and former mayor. “The way they teach the people to dance like that, unified, I just think it’s very, very proper.”

China has been known as the land of the divine. Ancient traditional Chinese culture is said to have been brought down from the heavens.

Systematic campaigns like the Cultural Revolution nearly destroyed traditional Chinese culture. Shen Yun has made it its mission to revive that culture, which Chinese believed was given to them by gods.

“It was fabulous. It was absolutely fabulous,” said Woodrum. “I saw so many different things that I hadn’t seen before, and it’s the constant human struggle that we all go through. It shows that all of our freedoms, that everything that we embody comes from above, comes from heaven, and it’s given to us, and it’s ours to pursue.”

“The energy that I got while watching is that internal spirit that I think that we all have, that comes from our Creator, and I could feel that in my heart and in my soul, and it was just a very, very nice feeling to have,” he added.

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