Shen Yun Leaves Melbourne Amidst Encores and Curtain Calls

Shen Yun Leaves Melbourne Amidst Encores and Curtain Calls
Shen Yun Performing Arts International Company's curtain call at the Arts Centre’s State Theatre, on Sunday March 30. Ming Chen/Epoch Times

MELBOURNE, Australia—The last curtain drew to a close after an encore performance from soprano soloist Min Jiang and exuberant applause throughout the entire show.

With five performances from the Shen Yun Performing Arts International Company at the prestigious State Theatre, Arts Centre Melbourne, it is off to Australia’s capital Canberra for three performances.

So many Melbourne people experienced the magic of the classical Chinese dance company, based out of New York, and shared their feelings.

Arts Manager: ‘Transported to heaven’

Lyndel Wischer, manager Kinross Arts and Spirituality Centre, said, “I think I was transported to the heavens and to the moon.”

She continued, “I thought the costumes and the history of their dance and their theatre was absolutely beautiful.”

CEO: ‘Inspiring’

Allin Turner, CEO Zaidee’s Rainbow Foundation, said, “Very inspiring! Very good! Very different, a lot of lovely costumes.”

He added, “It will take you on a journey; a journey of Chinese culture, take you back 5000 years, what it might be like in a dance in ancient China.”

Former Dancer: ‘Perfection’

Mrs. Clare Molmar, former classical dancer, attended with her husband Dr. Robert Molmar, a medical doctor.

As a former classical dancer Mrs. Molmar really appreciated the quality and ability or the dancers.

She said, “I think the dancers are perfectionists. They’re really very good, … I always criticize everybody but I can’t criticize them.”

She explained they are so good they can “tell the story without actually speaking.”

She said because the level of dance was so brilliant and beautiful, “I cried, it was so difficult [to do]. They’re very good, they’re very good.

“They glide through the stage, the precision, the way they work … the choreography was splendid.”

According to the Shen Yun website, “Classical Chinese dance is at the heart of what Shen Yun does. Known for its incredible flips and spins, and its gentle elegance, it is one of the most rigorous and expressive art forms in the world.”

Mrs. Molmar felt so sad that people in China don’t have the freedom of belief.

“They don’t have the freedom, because they live in a communist regime. It’s very difficult not to be free, not to be able to express yourself.”

Investor: ‘Extremely impressed’

Mr. Kim Chieper, investor, was “very impressed by it [Shen Yun], extremely impressed.

He said, “I particularly like the way the girls walk and the men jump, some of them are just amazing.

“I got quite emotional about one of the scenes, where the girl had the flag with the three symbols, with the lotus on it and I thought that that was extremely moving. The art of it all, it’s beautiful.”

Manager: ‘Amazing’

Sophie Mak, manager, thought the Shen Yun presentation was lovely. “It was really great that somebody’s history could be expressed in the form of dance so beautifully,” she said.

“They were beautiful, they were amazing. I would certainly go and see it again and I would certainly recommend it. I would want to go and see it in Paris.”

General Manager: ‘Can’t put a price on’ Shen Yun

Sarah Jones, general manager for Toll Group attended Shen Yun with her husband and daughter.

She said, “It was lovely, athletic and colourful. So great, I highly recommend it.”

Ms. Jones explained she felt Shen Yun was a wonderful experience for children.

“We encourage our daughter to go to theatre and engage with different cultures. I don’t think we could put a price on that. Try to expand her mind, introduce her to different ways of thinking and being,” she said.

With reporting by Leigh Smith

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit Shen Yun Performing Arts.

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006