Shen Yun ‘Is Wonderfully New to Us’

Shen Yun ‘Is Wonderfully New to Us’

“Stunning … Every performance is unique and different. The colour, the movement, the artistry, and the incredible athleticism of the performers. It’s been stunning. ... It’s all wonderfully new to us.”


“We strongly encourage people to come and watch it. ... We really have great respect for the organization and the artists that are bringing this together.”


“I think we all have spirituality in us. We express it differently. It comes from the same principles, the belief that there is something larger than ourselves and there is something that brings us together. To see that expressed in this way with such joy and passion is wonderful.”


“I think my son, he is almost eight, he’s quite enjoying them [the legends and stories]. They are very exciting and action-packed. Every story had its unique characters and aspect of the culture that are being opened up for us.”

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