Shen Yun Is Deeply Profound, Says Software Developer

Shen Yun Is Deeply Profound, Says Software Developer

“I practice martial arts, and you can see the flow, the strength of [Shen Yun dancers’] movements, and at the same time, the peace and happiness that they bring into the dance, and that’s very, very satisfying to see. It really makes a difference when you see a show that’s not just out there to make noise, or to put people on a stage, that this is something that is deeply profound, deeply spiritual, for the dancers, for whoever wrote this script, so I’m very, very, very pleased.”


“The impression is that you’re sharing something intimate with the dancers, that what you’re seeing is what they’re actually feeling and then trying to actually show who they are, their inheritance, their tradition... That it means something to them, you can see it in their movements, the way that they have the strength to do the movements. It’s not just in movement, it’s who they are.”


“I ... think that the biggest problem right now is that people don’t communicate enough, so we don’t know what they’re thinking because we don’t know who they are and where they come from. We find them different, and that makes us afraid. And right now, this is an open door to seeing the Chinese culture and who they really are ... and I’m grateful for that opportunity, and I hope a lot of people can see this show, definitely.”

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