Shen Yun: A Performance That Transcends Time, Says Korean Virtuoso

Shen Yun: A Performance That Transcends Time, Says Korean Virtuoso
Park Soo-Kwan, master singer of Korean Classics, took his students to see the last performance in South Korea by Shen Yun Performing Arts International Company, on Feb. 17. Quan Yu/Epoch Times

DAEGU, South Korea—“I am thinking about going to Taiwan to watch Shen Yun again,” said Park Soon-Kwan, master singer of Korean Classics, after bringing his students to see Shen Yun Performing Arts for its last performance in Korea, Feb. 17.

“I saw Shen Yun two days ago, and I thought it was simply superb. So today, I brought along my students.“ Mr. Park added. ”I heard the emcee say that Shen Yun will move on with its tour to Taiwan, and since I have relatives there, I am thinking about going to Taiwan to watch again.”

He told his students that they must learn from the messages conveyed by Shen Yun. As for himself, Mr. Park said his vision was broadened after seeing Shen Yun, and he gained inspiration from the performance.

Layer After Layer of Meanings
As an artist who has received many local and international awards, Mr. Park held a special affinity toward Shen Yun. “It is a time-transcending performance,“ he said. ”As I watched again, I could appreciate what I didn’t realize the first time. When Shen Yun comes back next time, I will definitely come and see it again.”

From the performance, Mr. Park said he felt “the greatness of the Chinese culture. The proudness of the Chinese people instilled in the performance.”

As for Shen Yun’s animated backdrop, a technological innovation that interacts with the dancers on stage, Mr. Park said: “The backdrop and the stage united as one as the performers came in and out of it. The scene at which Heaven and Earth connected as one gave me great inspiration. How much work must be put into to put these scenes together? I think I should devote more. This is truly a performance that transcends time. It is simply magnificent.”

Moved to Tears Every Time
“When I saw Shen Yun for the second time, I still couldn’t help from shedding tears,“ Mr. Park added. ”Though I was afraid that it would be awkward for those sitting nearby to see me cry, I still couldn’t hold back my tears.”

In particular, the program The Steadfast Lotus really touched Mr. Park. “The mother and daughter, who both practiced Falun Gong, were persecuted. In the face of death, they never caved. During the prayer by the daughter, Buddhas arrived and protected her with a lotus and allowed her to see her mother. It was at this precise moment that tears began streaming down my face,” Mr. Park said.

Mr. Park added that “I believe Shen Yun and the principles of Falun Gong are instrumental in bringing peace to mankind. So I think my students should embrace these principles in order to become truly outstanding singers.”

Vision Broaden After Seeing Shen Yun
“There must be someone, like a master, who instructs the entire Shen Yun,“ Mr. Park said. ”But what was shown today must only be a fraction of what that person knows. He must have unparalleled wisdom to be able to do what he is doing now.”

Before Mr. Park departed, he offered some advice: “Only by seeing Shen Yun can you broaden your vision,” he said. “You could only appreciate the meanings when you come to see it in person. And this is simply a fact.”

Reporting by Lee Jisung and Frank Fang

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit Shen Yun Performing Arts.

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.