Severe Floods and Mudslides Kill 337 in China (Photo Gallery)

The death toll in China from the massive mudslides and floods has reached 337, as about 2,000 are still missing.
Severe Floods and Mudslides Kill 337 in China (Photo Gallery)

The death toll in China from the massive mudslides and floods has reached 337 and rising with about 2,000 still missing in the northwest province of Gansu China, reported the country’s state media on Monday.

About 50,000 people have been affected with death tolls likely to rise.

The mudslides occurred Sunday morning following several days of heavy rains. The torrential flow of stones and debris not only covered the district, but blocked Bailong River causing a big dam, Chinese media reported.

Below is a slide show of Gansu province after the mudslide.

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