Secretary of State John Kerry: US and Allies Ready to Supply Libya With Weapons to Fight ISIS

Secretary of State John Kerry said the United States and other world leaders are ready to supply Libya’s internationally recognized government with arms to fight against ISIS in a meeting in Vienna, Austria, on May 16.
Secretary of State John Kerry: US and Allies Ready to Supply Libya With Weapons to Fight ISIS
US Secretary of State John Kerry addresses a press conference on May 16, 2016 in Vienna, Austria. (Leonhard Foeger/AFP/Getty Images)

Secretary of State John Kerry said the United States and other world leaders they are ready to supply Libya’s internationally-recognized government with arms to fight against ISIS in a meeting in Vienna, Austria, on May 16. 

Libya spiraled out of control after dictator Moammar Gaddafi was taken out of power.

“Nearly five years ago Libya overthrew a dictator,” said U.S. State Secretary John Kerry, “What is Libya going to look five years from now?”

Speaking at the Libya Ministerial Meeting in Vienna, Kerry pointed out that the country has been torn in a “battle over ambitions,” where individuals are “seeking their own interests.”

The Secretary of State, along with Libyan Prime Minister Fayez Al-Sarraj and Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni, announced that the United States and world powers are ready to work together to de-escalate the conflict in Libya, driven by political reasons, as well as fighting against Daesh. The terrorist group, which has taken advantage of the chaos that ensued the country after the overthrow of Gaddafi, has taken over parts of Libya and has vastly contributed to the country’s destabilization.

The debris a building after fighters loyal to Libya's internationally recognized government seized the centre of the eastern coastal city of Benghazi on Feb. 25, 2016. (Abdullah Doma/AFP/Getty Images)
The debris a building after fighters loyal to Libya's internationally recognized government seized the centre of the eastern coastal city of Benghazi on Feb. 25, 2016. (Abdullah Doma/AFP/Getty Images)

“For the sake of Libya’s future we need to seize this moment,” Kerry said.

The Secretary of State said America and world powers will help Libya with whatever they request, and as of now they are requesting assistance.

Kerry said the United States will not put boots on the ground or intervene, but will help Libya with arms requests, economical needs, and with training.

A burnt out car in a street of the city of Benghazi  on Feb. 23, 2016, after a string of gains against Islamist militias including the ISIS. (Abdullah Doma/AFP/Getty Images)
A burnt out car in a street of the city of Benghazi  on Feb. 23, 2016, after a string of gains against Islamist militias including the ISIS. (Abdullah Doma/AFP/Getty Images)