School District Director Says Shen Yun Displays Divine Energy

School District Director Says Shen Yun Displays Divine Energy
Dr. Trisha Callella is the director of Innovation and Instruction at Rowland Unified School District. She is also an Apple Distinguished Educator. Dr. Callella thoroughly enjoyed the Shen Yun matinee performance at Segerstrom Center for the Arts in Costa Mesa, Calif., on April 8, 2018. Yiyuan Chang/NTD Television

“[The performance] is outstanding.”

“They [dancers] are phenomenal. Everything is so exquisite. The costuming is so beautiful. They float. The way they were dancing is just divine. We were mesmerized just watching it — it’s a to die for experience.”

“I love the interaction, especially with my background in technology. I love to see they’re jumping towards the background scene [digital backdrop] and jumping out of the scene. When they are coming down from the sky [in the backdrop] and showing up [again on stage], I think that does play into the divine energy you do feel.”

“I love it [the ancient Chinese belief that humankind originated in heaven]. I think it is fantastic, I think it’s captured really well in the dance.”

“It is critical to have the authenticity behind it, to have the people who are really passionate about what they believe in, try to bring it [traditional Chinese culture] to life.”

“This has far exceeded my expectations. I didn’t know I would actually learn along the way. I am a passionate learner, so it was a treat.”

“To learn a little bit more about the dynasties, the culture, the people, and to see the interaction of the way that everything just floats — it is very nice energy. It has been far better than I expected. I definitely want to come back next year.”

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