Put Shen Yun On Your ‘Bucket List,’ Says Former Manager

Put Shen Yun On Your ‘Bucket List,’ Says Former Manager

“It was awesome. I don’t even know the words to explain it.”


“They love what they do. You can tell in the way they do it, and the practice that they do. ... It’s fantastic, and I’m so blessed, so privileged, to come.”


“I’m a very spiritual person, and I could just feel the music coming in through me and breathing deeply, and feeling very spiritual and understanding a lot [of the pieces].”


“The music is very well played. I could feel it in my bones. ... I enjoyed it.”


“The [song] lyrics—I liked it very much. Like I said, kind of [looking] into ourselves and realizing that we are here for a reason.”


“Put it on [your] bucket list, and make sure you see at least one performance, because there really aren’t words to describe it.”

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