Project Manager Applauds Shen Yun Performers for Their Courage

Project Manager Applauds Shen Yun Performers for Their Courage
Jeff Blasdell enjoyed watching Shen Yun at Jones Hall in Houston, Texas, on Dec. 27, 2017. Sally Sun/The Epoch Times

“The first word would be “beautiful.” The second would be “athleticism.” [The dancers] are athletic and just amazing in what they can do. It’s almost as if they defy gravity. And then to see the cultural side of it, that’s so different from ours. So it’s beautiful—it’s wonderful.”

“What impresses me is the fact that they can’t do this in China, that they have to come here. So that’s kind of gets us in touch with the freedoms that we have, and how they have to come here to express their own cultural things that they do.”

“They do have courage ... I would assume they left some family members to come [to the United States]. So there’s sacrifice, there’s courage. There’s tremendous effort to educate people.”

“It is a beautiful culture. It’s really things that we Americans don’t see. We don’t get to experience that.”

“I saw references to heaven. So I thought that was interesting … but yet we use the same word ‘heaven.’ That was interesting to me.”

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