Pianist Moved by Creator Theme 

Pianist Moved by Creator Theme 
Pianist Paige Grimes and musician husband Scott enjoyed Shen Yun Performing Arts at Ikeda Theater in Mesa, Ariz. on Feb. 17, 2018. The Epoch Times

“It actually brought me to tears. It was very spiritual, very humorous. [I] was very impressed with the culture of how they believe in the creator, and how they keep hanging on knowing that eventually, they'll be able to practice their religion freely in their country. I think that’s beautiful.”

“I was impressed with the modesty of the dress.”

“It really did bring me to tears. It was absolutely funny but spiritual, and a great message about God, the creator.”

“It was absolutely beautiful. It was exciting. It was spiritual, and it was humorous. I loved the whole thing. I had troubles in my life, and when I came here, I was able to relax, and just enjoyed the show.”

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