Our Elites Suffer From China Envy

Our Elites Suffer From China Envy
Black Lives Matter protesters march through a downtown street in Seattle on June 14, 2020. (David Ryder/Getty Images)
Roger L. Simon

“Cui bono” (who profits), when tens of thousands of gullible conformists march in the streets, even loot and maim, protesting things that were already made illegal decades ago?

Not the small-business owners or their workers, not the unemployed or the marginally employed, not the police officer on the brink of resigning (or already past the brink), not those ill from a pandemic, not the homeless, not the addict trying to kick drugs, not those posting to the Instagram account @santamonicaproblems, not the unfortunate folks who woke up one morning to find they were living in an autonomous zone with no security, not the residents of Chicago’s black communities whose children are shot on the sidewalks almost every day, not even the myriad demonstrators themselves.

Certainly not those of whatever race they are and whatever affiliation, whatever degree they think black lives matter (upper or lower case) or that Antifa is an organization that fights for equality in American lives.

Who benefits, then, from our national nervous breakdown that never seems to end?

It is the globalist elites who still govern most of our society today, despite the invasion of Donald Trump.

And those elites wish to continue that rule through what they fervently hope will come as the outcome of these demonstrations—more government control, particularly government control that helps them.

They have seen it done elsewhere with results they might want to emulate, at least until recently.

Call it China Envy.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has, over the years, found a way to regulate Chinese society to an extraordinary degree via a form of communism that maximizes profits and power for those (party) elites while holding the masses largely at bay.

No wonder our elites are jealous.

People call ours “globalists” but they’re not really global. They’re selectively global, but actually just greedy and power hungry, like the communists in China.

Whether planned or not, or partially planned, the current confluence of catastrophes has offered them an opportunity to advance their cause against their natural adversary, Trump.

In macro, that’s the landscape of election 2020—the globalist elites, represented (for the moment anyway) by Joe Biden, versus the American people, represented by Trump.

Many of those American people, heavily influenced by the media and repelled by the president’s rhetoric, don’t realize he’s representing them, but he is. Ignorant, often willfully, they oppose him tooth and nail.

An equal number, or possibly larger, as the 1 million-plus requesting tickets to his Tulsa rally indicates, supports Trump.

We’re in the midst of a Battle Royale for the soul of our nation, whether it remains more or less the democratic republic the Founders envisioned or becomes an Americanized version of what has been evolved by the CCP.

If the latter, ironically, then such groups as Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa will be kicked to the curb once victory has been achieved and secured.

Elites have little or no interest in such revolutionary riffraff, even though they are currently being feted not only by the usual Democratic Party suspects, but by many of the lions of corporate America.

BLM is being coopted, though its supporters don’t realize it. Soon enough they will be dispensed with. Antifa is already considered de trop.

Elites don’t want to “smash the state.” They want to strengthen and formalize it in the Chinese communist tradition for their own advantage (cf. McKinsey & Company, our most powerful consulting firm, which works with the Chinese on the Belt and Road Initiative and with Gov. Andrew Cuomo on New York’s “reopening”).

And if the CCP falls apart due to the mishandling of the virus it pioneered, so much the better. The globalists will eagerly replace it, while closely replicating what it’s done. As we know, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Roger L. Simon is a prize-winning author, Oscar-nominated screenwriter, and the co-founder of PJ Media. His most recent books are “I Know Best: How Moral Narcissism Is Destroying Our Republic, If It Hasn’t Already” (non-fiction) and “The GOAT” (fiction).
Views expressed in this article are opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.
Prize-winning author and Oscar-nominated screenwriter Roger L. Simon’s latest of many books is “American Refugees: The Untold Story of the Mass Exodus from Blue States to Red States.” He is banned on X, but you can subscribe to his newsletter here.
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