NJ Governor Chris Christie Says Patience Needed for Sandy Aid

NJ Governor Chris Christie Says Patience Needed for Sandy Aid

In conversation with Superstorm Sandy survivors on Tuesday, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie promised help—while begging patience. According to WCBS 880, Christie was meeting with New Jersey Sandy survivors who bemoaned the fact that they have gotten little help. One victim told Christie the process for getting assistance has been frustrating.

Christie’s answer was that the government is doing the “best it can.”

“I get it and what I’m saying is we’re doing the best we can to go as quickly as we can to get it done,” said Christie. He also said that the second round of federal money that is coming through for states this year will be the best hope for weary storm survivors.

New Jersey is expected to get about $1.46 billion federal disaster recovery money, which it will then dole out to different areas of need. On Tuesday, Christie said that about half of the money might go toward housing. But he didn’t make firm promises, say when the money will actually be available, or how long the related administrative process will take.

“We have to have patience with each other and we have to have patience with this process,” said Christie.