Marches and Rally Call for End of Persecution

Falun Gong practitioners in Hong Kong marked the 15th anniversary of the persecution of Falun Gong with a march and rally on July 19 and a march on July 20.
Marches and Rally Call for End of Persecution
On July 19 a rally was held after the procession reached Central Government Offices. Falun Gong human rights lawyer Teresa Chu gives a speech. (Epoch Times)

HONG KONG—Falun Gong practitioners marked the 15th anniversary of the persecution of Falun Gong with a march and rally on July 19 and a march on July 20.

On July 20, 1999, former Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Jiang Zemin launched a brutal campaign to persecute Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa) practitioners, a group of people who believe in truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance.

On July 19, a march with the theme of “Globally United to Stop the Persecution” set out from North Point. Led by the Tianguo Marching Band, the procession went along King’s Road, Hennessey Road, and passing by Causeway Bay, Wan Chai, before ending at the Central Government Offices in Admiralty.

Criminals in Fear

A rally was held after the procession reached Central Government Offices. Among the speakers was Mr. Kan Hung-cheung, spokesperson of the Hong Kong Falun Dafa Association.

Mr. Kan said for the past 15 years, Falun Dafa practitioners have upheld their belief in truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance, and responded to the persecution with peaceful and rational means. The practitioners have gained the respect of people and governments around the globe. Over 170 million people have quit the CCP, Kan said.

He said that because there is a heavenly principle that good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil, the disintegration of the CCP is an inevitable outcome.

“Among the high officials who have closely followed Jiang Zemin to persecute Falun Gong, Wang Lijun, Bo Xilai, Gu Kailai and others have all been sacked. Now, Zhou Yongkang has been arrested, and Li Dongsheng is detained,” Kan said.

“The purge of the wicked who have persecuted Falun Dafa has started. Zeng Qinghong, Su Rong, Xu Caihou have been detained one by one. Leung Chun-ying and his gang in Hong Kong will be taken down as well. So, is the evil ringleader Jiang Zemin far from also being brought down?”

The criminals who were reckless in their arrogance are now suffering from the strongest fear, Kan said. He called on the followers of CCP to stop persecuting innocent Falun Dafa practitioners, quit the CCP, and make amends for their crimes. That is their only way out, Kan said.

Establishment of PAFOH

At the rally the establishment of the organization Parliamentarians Against Forced Organ Harvesting (PAFOH) was announced. So far 36 parliamentarians from Asian countries and 19 from Europe, America and Australia have joined the alliance.

PAFOH aims to stop the CCP’s forced live organ harvesting from Falun Dafa practitioners and to bring those responsible for organ harvesting to justice. Researchers say that tens of thousands of practitioners have been killed from having their organs harvesting since the persecution began.

The PAFOH global alliance aims to pass and promote United Nations conventions, regional legislation, and national legislation calling on governments to require the CCP to disclose the sources of organs used for transplant in China over the past 10 years.

In Hong Kong, a total of seven lawmakers from pan-democratic camp have joined PAFOH. Among the seven, Leung Kwok-hung and Sin Chung-kai attended the rally. Some of the others gave speeches on tape condemning the crime of forced live organ harvesting.

Leung Kwok-hung said he would continue to call on more LegCo members to join the alliance “together to investigate CCP’s live organ harvesting, and the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, to investigate the inhuman atrocities of the CCP. I’m here to warn that all the people will be brought to justice who have been assisting the CCP in suppressing dissidents or persecuting Falun Gong practitioners and innocent people who oppose the dictatorship of CCP.”

Activities on July 20

In the morning of July 20, 600 practitioners dressed in yellow tops neatly lined up along the waterfront of the Golden Bauhinia square in Wai Chai to do the five meditative exercises of Falun Dafa. The peaceful and harmonious scene caused many tourists to stop by.

In the afternoon, a parade of 900 practitioners set out from Cheung Sha Wan in Kowloon, marched along Cheung Sha Wan Road, Nathan Road, and Canton Road, passed by Mong Kok, Jordan and ended at the Star Ferry Pier, Tsim Sha Tsui.

During the two consecutive days of parades, either on Hong Kong Island or Kowloon peninsula, the Falun Dafa practitioners’ Tianguo Marching Band, giant themed banners, a float representing a Falun Dafa ship, the waist drum team, the lag and drum team, and diverse large banners attracted the attention of passersby.

Mr. Chung, a young local who watched the march said everyone should have freedom of belief.

“The CCP has always been suppressing people,” Chung said. “If it is the right thing to do, then we should fight for it, to show the CCP that we need this, instead of doing whatever it (CCP) tells us to do. ”

Mr. Wan, a friend of Mr. Chung praised the procession as very disciplined and said he supported the Falun Gong practitioners.

Many tourists from mainland China had never seen such a march before, and some of them were amazed.

Miss Jin from Beijing said, “It’s very interesting, unlike in Beijing, completely unlike what you’ve seen in China.” She said the China government should respect the belief of Falun Gong practitioners.

Translated by Terence Li.