Keelung City Deputy Mayor: Shen Yun Is Very Delicate and Thoughtfully Done

Keelung City Deputy Mayor: Shen Yun Is Very Delicate and Thoughtfully Done
Keelung City Deputy Mayor Ke, Shuei-Yuan attends Shen Yun Performing Arts International Company’s matinee at Keelung City Cultural Center, on March 9, 2014. Chen Bozhou/Epoch Times

KEELUNG, Taiwan—Surprised by the packed the performance hall of the Keelung City Cultural Center for the matinee of Shen Yun Performing Arts International Company on the afternoon of March 9, Keelung City Deputy Mayor Ke Shuei-Yuan said, “Among all the cities in Taiwan, it’s rare to see a sold-out show like this.”

Shen Yun, based in New York, is a world-class music and dance company that specializes in presenting traditional culture.

“Combining music, dance, and artistic sound effects, it (Shen Yun) is a first-class classic performance. Its program is so wonderful that it’s indeed something hard to come by. With exquisite design, the show is very inspiring. The coordination is perfect, whether it’s costumes, body movements or music. The overall performance is so unique and so fantastic. It’s really remarkable. This is a very wonderful and successful performance,” the Deputy Mayor Ke added.

“The design and arrangement of the show are very delicate and thoughtfully done. There are very profound connotations in each program. The essence of Chinese culture featuring truthfulness, compassion and gracefulness is fully demonstrated. In addition, each program was performed in a different style, so it is very interesting for the audience.”

“The show has something special (elegant flavor), which is very different from other kinds of performances. There are many other performing arts groups in Taiwan, performing in various different forms. But only Shen Yun can offer people a very different kind of feeling.”

Finally, the Deputy Mayor expressed his appreciation to Shen Yun for visiting Keelung again. He noted, “Shen Yun is very popular in Taiwan. Seeing the fact that the performing hall here is packed with people, we can see just how popular Shen Yun is. Keelung City is very lucky to have Shen Yun performing here again. It’s indeed very precious.”

Shen Yun is Impeccable and Magnificent 

Ms. Chen Tzu-Mei, President of Keelung Dance Association and Art Director of Keelung Dance Group, watched Shen Yun’s last performance on March 9 at the Keelung Cultural Center Performing Hall. She was excited and said that in her 30 years career, she has seen numerous performances and Shen Yun was “the best!”

Chen came with four of her friends. She was glad that Shen Yun brought such a delicate show each year: “I am a loyal fan. I come every year and every year it has different programs, and they are absolutely magnificent and perfect!”

“Every year Shen Yun let me see different dances. No one can say he or she has seen Shen Yun and seen it all. What a wonderful show!” she said.

As for the dancers and choreography, she said, “The dances and the skills are impeccable.”

Chen’s been in the art circle for over 30 years. She likes the fact that Shen Yun presents the essence of the 5,000 years of Chinese culture with dancing. “To present stories with dancing, it’s a great way to educate people,” she said.

“The artists are not just terrific dancers but great actors/actresses. So many things are so well done. Besides being beautiful, it’s interesting and humorous. It makes me smile unknowingly,” Chen used When Play Turns to Panic as an example.

Turning to other aspects of the performance, she said, “The design of the costumes is superb! The colors are so dazzling and comforting.”

Shen Yun Awakes the Essence of Human Life

Professor Zhu (pseudonym) is a well-known law scholar who often plies between Taiwan and China, and is a visiting professor at several prestigious universities in China and is the owner of an international company with branch offices in Hong Kong and Taiwan. On the evening of March 8, Dr. Zhu watched the Shen Yun performances in Keelung again, along with his wife who was once a folk dance champion.

He and his wife have watched Shen Yun for three times. After watching the performance, they praised the performance, he said, “The ancient Chinese palace culture, costumes, and dances of the performances are very exquisite. In addition to the perfect coordination between music and dances, what impressed me most was its endeavor to preserve the traditional Chinese dances and culture.”

Dr. Zhu was also moved by the lyrics of Shen Yun’s songs. He said, “The singing skills of the tenor and sopranos are superb. The lyrics are excellent and very few people would be able to see such lyrics. In particular, I was deeply touched by the lyrics of the last song—all the people in the world were the kings in heaven, who descended to the world for cultivation.”

“However, most people tend to forget this inborn mission, forgetting that they were really from heaven,” he added.

He explained that he was particularly amazed by the last program. Enlightened by the touching lyrics, he thought that human beings, among countless planets, are simply like tiny drops in the ocean. But most of them were kings from heaven.

Shen Yun gave him a fresher and deeper realization and enlightenment toward life. He said, “No matter what you look like, you represent a planet in this universe.”

He mentioned that as long as he got a chance, he would never forget to invite his friends to come to watch Shen Yun as it is an artistic and cultural feast full of deep significance about life.

Reporting by Li Yun and Bill Xu, Chang-Le Feng and Hsin-Yi Lin, Li Yun and Joseph Wu

Read the original articles: [1]   [2]   [3]

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. For more information, visit Shen Yun Performing Arts.

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006