‘It Was Almost Like a Dream’: Shen Yun Audience Member

Feb 10, 2023
‘It Was Almost Like a Dream’: Shen Yun Audience Member
Victor Byczkiewicz at the Shen Yun Performing Arts performance at California Center for the Arts, Escondido, on Feb. 9, 2023. (Jane Yang/The Epoch Times)

ESCONDIDO, Calif.—A beautiful work of art has the ability to pull its viewer in and envelope them. Shen Yun Performing Arts has been touching the hearts of its audience since its inception in 2006.

“I feel like I was there. It was almost like a dream. I can’t describe in words, really. It was amazing. That’s incredible. Like I can imagine how much practice they put in, and it was phenomenal,” said Victor Byczkiewicz, photographer, who saw the performance at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido, on Feb. 9.
Shen Yun is based in New York and although Shen Yun is on tour for several months out of the year, each touring season presents an all-new production.
“I thought it was amazing. The choreography, the colors, the synchronicity with the orchestra—it was fabulous. I watched a lot of plays and programs, and this was one of the best I’ve ever seen,” said Mr. Byczkiewicz.
Shen Yun’s artists are trained in classical Chinese dance. Mastery of this dance form is founded upon the mastery of its bearing, form, and technique.

“It was so beautiful. I see how the movements and the music combined, and ... [how it] brings the inner peace, which was really beautiful,” said Mr. Byczkiewicz.

Shen Yun’s orchestra is the only classical Western orchestra in the world that has traditional Chinese instruments as permanent members of the ensemble.

“Like they said, the music is almost like a medicine,” said Mr. Byczkiewicz.

As someone who used to play the cello, the music of Shen Yun really appealed to him. “I love the orchestra music, including with the traditional Chinese music,” he said.

The way the dancers interact with the digital backdrop is patented by Shen Yun. The backdrop saves Shen Yun the hassle of conventional backgrounds and sets and allows the stage to be extended endlessly.

“The colors for me were amazing. And with the video in the back screens and the way they integrated everything was so beautiful,” said Mr. Byczkiewicz.

Shen Yun uses dance and music to portray the brilliance of ancient China as well as stories of hope from present day China.

“That was really amazing how they did that, and combined the modern with the past and incorporated everything to the future, and yeah, it was just incredible,” said Mr. Byczkiewicz.

Many audience members feel happy and hopeful after experiencing Shen Yun. Mr. Byczkiewicz was no exception.

“It brings me joy. I will definitely come back again and see it next year,” he said.

Reporting by Jane Yang and Maria Han.

The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.

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