Internet Businessman Likes Shen Yun Digital Backdrops

Internet Businessman Likes Shen Yun Digital Backdrops
Stephen Roper, who runs an website design firm, said Shen Yun's digital backdrops helped tell the stories behind the dances. Teng Dongyu/Epoch Times

MISSISSAUGA, Canada—Shen Yun Performing Arts has a unique combination of high tech backdrops and traditional Chinese culture that Internet businessman Steve Roper said he enjoyed. 

“It was just highly professionally done. I really enjoyed it,” said Mr. Roper after attending the final matinee Shen Yun performed at the Living Arts Centre for its 2014 world tour.

“I thought the integration of the back screen with the dancers really allowed it to show the classical stories behind the dance. That worked really well.”

That screen is Shen Yun’s vividly animated digital backdrop. The scenes displayed there extend the range of the stage to heavenly realms, bygone eras, and idyllic settings.

Shen Yun was founded on a mission to revive China’s true traditional culture, a heritage of 5,000 years that has been systematically destroyed under communism in China today.

“I really liked it. It made me feel really good. ... Couple of points brought a tear to my eyes. So it was really nice, very nice,” said Mr. Roper.

Mr. Roper’s design firm builds and manages websites for companies around the world.

He singled out Mongolian Chopsticks as one of the standout performances of the first half. The dance depicts a moment on the harsh northern steppes where Mongolian men come together to drink wine and perform a traditional chopsticks dance.

“I just like the idea of it. I like the interpretation of it,” he said.

The dancers in the piece use handfuls of chopsticks to create a crisp, staccato beat. 

The dancers weren’t the primary musicians for the performance, however. Shen Yun features a unique symphony orchestra that features Chinese traditional instruments leading the melodies.

“The orchestra was excellent. I really enjoyed the mix of Western instruments with the traditional Chinese instruments,” Mr. Roper said.

He also appreciated that each dance was introduced by the Shen Yun’s two emcees. 

“They explained what was coming next. I found that made the show a lot more interesting.”

While his daughter, a professional dancer, was in Montreal and couldn’t be there that night, his mother-in-law was. 

“She was born in China so it was a nice show for her,” he said.

“Overall I think it was really well done. I enjoyed myself more than I thought I would.”

Reporting by Teng Dongyu

New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts has four touring companies that perform simultaneously around the world. Shen Yun’s World Company will perform in Toronto from Jan. 23-26. For more information, visit

The Epoch Times considers Shen Yun Performing Arts the significant cultural event of our time. We have proudly covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.