Splitting Daniel Bryan’s WWE World Heavyweight Championship?

Splitting Daniel Bryan’s WWE World Heavyweight Championship?
WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan (bing.com)
Zachary Stallings

This past Monday on Raw, Stephanie McMahon announced she would not strip Daniel Bryan of his championship, but allow him to relinquish it next Monday on Raw. With Stephanie McMahon not stripping Daniel Bryan of the title on Raw, does it mean that maybe WWE has not yet decided on what to do with the championship? If WWE has not decided on what to do with the title. this idea maybe a good one.....split the WWE World Heavyweight Champion.

What Stephanie McMahon could do on Raw is instead of strip Daniel Bryan of the championship, she could just take away the WWE title. If Stephanie McMahon decided to just take away the WWE title this could make Daniel Bryan’s return even bigger. Splitting the titles would guarantee a match that put the titles back together when Daniel Bryan finally returns. What this does for WWE is it opens up a lot of possibilities.

There are a few match possibilities that could potential be huge for Daniel Bryan’s return. One of those matches could be Kane vs Daniel Bryan. If the titles were split and Kane won the WWE Championship, it would allow Bryan and Kane to pick up where they left off. This would be a good idea because it gives Daniel Bryan a chance at redemption for Kane putting him out of action.

Another good choice, and probably the best choice would be Brock Lesnar. Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship is “what’s best for business”. If Brock Lesnar were to gain the WWE title and keep it until Bryan’s return, not only will this be good for fans, but it would also be good for WWE in general. Fanside.com Jack Jorgensen reported that Brock Lesnar might be scheduled for WWE’s Pay-Per-View Night of Champions. What that could possibly mean is that Lesnar could pick up the title at Summerslam. Now if Brock Lesnar has the WWE title and Daniel Bryan has World Heavyweight title, Brock Lesnar vs Daniel Bryan for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship would be a perfect match for Night of Champions.

Splitting the WWE World Heavyweight Championship may be the best decision right now for the WWE. Daniel Bryan right now is the biggest and most beloved superstar in the WWE. Splitting the titles, may not give fans exactly what they want, but it lets them know that even though Daniel Bryan is out, he is still the guy. Letting Daniel Bryan keep the World Heavyweight Championship and giving the WWE title to someone else is the best way to  go (in my opinion), and it also opens up many opportunities for the WWE creatively.  


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