How a Taxi Driver Protects Himself

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This video shows how a taxi driver in Guangzhou protects himself. He separates the driver’s seat using a plastic divider and puts a mask on his AC vent, just in case his front seat passenger carries the virus. - this is not a regular plastic divider, and I made modifications by myself. If masks are installed in the center only, and you have four passengers, one will have to sit in the front. You can’t stop people sitting in the front seat. I could easily get contaminated. Passenger: This is a really good method. - On April 8, Wuhan quarantine was lifted. However, the number of the CCP virus cases are still increasing in China. It is believed that there are around 50,000 asymptomatic cases in Wuhan, such patients may more easily spread the virus and put pandemic prevention at risk if they flee the city.