Hong Kong Protesters Hoping For a Record Turnout This Weekend, Events to be Live-Streamed on Epoch Times Website

Hong Kong Protesters Hoping For a Record Turnout This Weekend, Events to be Live-Streamed on Epoch Times Website
The weekend Hong Kong protests will be live-streamed on The Epoch Times website on Aug. 17 and Aug. 18. (The Epoch Times)
UPDATE at 9 a.m. EST on Aug. 17: The anti-extradition protest in Hong Kong ended before 9 a.m. EST, thus Saturday’s live stream is cancelled. Please tune in for Sunday’s protest at 9 a.m. EST.

As tensions between Hong Kong protesters and police have recently escalated, leading to some violent confrontations, several countries, including the United States, the U.K., and Australia, have issued travel warnings for those citizens planning to visit Hong Kong.

Meanwhile, U.S. President Donald Trump, his national security adviser John Bolton, and officials from other Western countries have all sounded the alarm amid news that Chinese paramilitary has gathered at the border with Hong Kong—a veiled threat that the Chinese regime would intervene to quell the protests.

The mass protests, which erupted amid widespread fears that a controversial extradition bill would erode Hong Kong’s autonomy from mainland China, are now in their eleventh week.

Many fear that the proposal, which would allow China to seek extradition of criminal suspects, would enable the Chinese regime to place individuals on trial in the mainland, where rule of law is not observed.

Though the bill has been suspended due to public pressure, Hongkongers are still turning out every weekend to demand that the government fully withdraw the bill; investigate the police’s use of force in dispersing protesters; and enact universal suffrage in the city’s elections. Since June, police have fired over a thousand cans of tear gas while clearing protesters from the streets.

Some netizens have begun calling for Hongkongers to withdraw as much money as possible from ATMs and exchange the money into U.S. dollars—in a bid to economically pressure the Hong Kong government into accepting protesters’ demands. According to one netizen interviewed by Business Insider who initiated an online campaign, over 70 million Hong Kong dollars (around $9 million) has reportedly been withdrawn in recent days.

This Saturday and Sunday, there are marches planned in several neighborhoods, where organizers said they will call out recent police violence during clashes with protesters. On Saturday, demonstrations are planned in the Central district’s Edinburgh Square, a teachers’ rally in Chater Garden, and a “reclaim our soil” parade in Hung Hom.

On Sunday, Civil Human Rights Front, the pro-democracy umbrella organization behind the city’s largest demonstrations, will hold a rally. The group had applied for a march, but police rejected its application, citing safety concerns. The group said that they aim to gather over 3 million people.

The Epoch Times will begin live-streaming demonstrations on Saturday and Sunday at 9 a.m. EST, with footage and onsite reporting by our Hong Kong bureau.
The broadcast will also be streaming live from our Facebook pages:

1. Live Coverage (Eastern Time)

Saturday, Aug. 17 9 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Sunday, Aug. 18 9 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

2. How to Tune In

(1) NTD and Epoch Times websites

(2) NTD and Epoch Times Facebook pages

(3) NTD YouTube channel