Gov. Paterson Pardons Criminals Being Deported

New York Governor David Paterson pardoned six former criminals subject to deportation.
Gov. Paterson Pardons Criminals Being Deported
Evan Mantyk
[xtypo_dropcap]I[/xtypo_dropcap]n a jab at more conservative national immigration policies, Governor David Paterson on Monday pardoned six individuals who are subject to deportation as a result of prior criminal convictions.

“The pardons I grant today address shortcomings in our Federal immigration laws relating to deportation,” Paterson said. “Our review of more than 1,100 pardon applications reveals that Federal immigration laws are often inflexible, arbitrarily applied, and excessively harsh, resulting in the deportation of individuals who have paid the price for their crimes and are now making positive contributions to our society.”

The governor’s review found that individuals may be deported to a country they left as a child, where they now have no relatives, may not speak the language, and have no place to live or means to support themselves.

“Significantly, deportation may tear them away from their families in the United States,” said the governor’s office.
Evan Mantyk is an English teacher in New York and President of the Society of Classical Poets.
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