Future of Whaling Debated by International Whaling Commission

The 62nd International Whaling Commission (IWC) meeting is currently underway in Agadir, Morocco
Future of Whaling Debated by International Whaling Commission

[ Video Courtesy of NTDTV ]

The 62nd International Whaling Commission (IWC) meeting is currently underway in Agadir, Morocco. The major topic this year is whether to end a 25-year moratorium on commercial whaling and adopt 10 years of regulated hunting world wide.

The IWC proposal would allow Japan, Iceland, and Norway-the world’s only whale hunting nations who engage in the hunt through loopholes in the moratorium-and indigenous subsistence hunters, to kill a limited number of whales, according to a IWC press release.

Many of the commissions 88 member countries oppose legalizing any whale hunting. Activist groups like Green Peace and the World Wildlife Fund also oppose legal whaling.

The meeting was adjourned to allow pro and anti-whaling factions to discuss compromise options, a move decried by the activist groups, according to AP.