Former Dancer Loves Shen Yun’s Flowing Costumes and Expressive Dance

Former Dancer Loves Shen Yun’s Flowing Costumes and Expressive Dance
Shen Yun Performing Arts New York Company performs at the San Diego Civic Theater on Feb. 2, 2018 The Epoch Times

“[I was] a dancer, a gymnast, and my mother was a professional skater, ice skater, so we both grew up in the dance world.”

“What I looked for this time explicitly, because the first couple of times I was a lot younger (Ms. J.K. returned to see Shen Yun for the third time), is how expressive they were with their dance and portraying the story, and it came through very, very well.”

“I love flowing costumes ... so beautiful.”

“I felt with Shen Yun and their outlook and spiritual belief that has been suppressed for a long time. It’s nice to see it’s still alive, it continues.”

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