Father Slams Driver Who Left a Threatening Note on His Disabled Daughter’s Car

Father Slams Driver Who Left a Threatening Note on His Disabled Daughter’s Car
A parking space marked for used by the disabled. (CC0 Public Domain/pxhere)
Janita Kan

A father has criticized an unnamed driver for their ignorance after the driver left a threatening note on his disabled daughter’s car for parking in a disabled parking space.

Alan Tanner, 52, from the United Kingdom took to social media to call out a vile note that a driver left on his wife’s car when she and their 23-year-old daughter, Paige, went shopping at the Woodley precinct in Reading, Berkshire, on Feb. 19, reported MailOnline.

The note threatened to report the pair for parking in a disabled parking space and accused them of being “selfish” because Paige had “no sign of disability.”

Paige, who suffers from the chromosome disorder tetrasomy 18p — a condition that has left her unable to do anything for herself and in need of constant support — has a valid disabled badge, reported the news website.
The family said they were upset by the note and slammed the person for being “cowardly” and judging a book by its cover.

“I think it’s completely cowardly. I would like them to see her for a week and then they would see why she needs that blue badge,” Tanner told MailOnline.

“Do you have to be in a wheelchair now for people to accept you’re disabled?

“You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. On top of that my daughter is severely disabled and it is ignorant for someone not to notice that.

“My wife devotes her life to being Paige’s full-time carer, she can’t look after herself, take care of her hygiene or walk long distances.

“I would like to enlighten people and make them realize that disabilities come in all shapes and sizes. For my family we‘d like an apology — I don’t think I’ll ever get it though,” he added.

In Tanner’s Facebook post on Feb. 20, he said he hopes the driver would get to see his message.

“So to the person that wrote this letter, do not judge unless you know the full details of someone’s disability. Paige is not a young girl as you stated but a 23-year-old adult who is severely mentally disabled and requires 1:1 support at all times,” he wrote.

“I hope the person who wrote this gets to see this,” he added.

Many social media users have offered their support to the family.

According to the National Institutes of Health, tetrasomy 18p is a rare disorder associated with birth defects affecting the heart and other organs. The disorder results in a shortage of growth hormones, and delayed development of motor skills including sitting, crawling, and walking. Sufferers may also experience seizures, vision problems, mild to moderate hearing loss, gastrointestinal problems, and abnormal curvature of the spine.
From NTD.tv
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