Scams, Propaganda, and Virus Death Tolls

Tatiana Tobar-Darzi R.
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The Chinese Government Fabricates Financial Fraud Scams; Anonymous Wuhan Volunteer Reveals the Story

The CCP virus pandemic has been affecting people worldwide for over 4 months now. In Wuhan and Hubei province—where the virus originates from—a staggering number of people have died. To maintain order and control, while avoiding responsibility, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has suppressed citizen journalists and cracked down on grassroot aid efforts.

Chinese Internet Police Officers delete CCP virus related posts on online platforms

During the CCP virus pandemic in order to maintain control, thousands of posts on Chinese online platforms have been deleted by the Chinese regime. One person who has the job of deleting posts deemed “sensitive” said that his workload has dramatically increased on a daily basis, and that now he’s deleting tens of thousands of posts per day.

The CCP urgently hires Chinese students studying abroad to film pandemic videos

The Chinese regime has hired Chinese students studying abroad to stage videos alleging they’ve suffered racist attacks and discrimination during the pandemic. The goal of this propaganda is to deceive Chinese citizens in the mainland about how Asians are being  mistreated in other countries.

Different scenes within a week

There have been drastic changes in China recently. In Harbin, the region in China bordering Russia, has become a new epicenter of the CCP virus outbreak. Authorities claim that things in Harbin are running as usual, but you can clearly see in the video that roads have been blocked and people have to rush to the morning markets to purchase their groceries during the early morning hours.

Patient Dies After Being Tied Down For Three Days

A woman recounts how her husband, a diabetic seeking care at a hospital, died after being tied down to a hospital bed for 3 days without any medical attention. He was in a lot of pain and no one made an effort to treat him. There was even a note stating that he was in a coma, although he was moving, groaning, and aware. Take a look.

Trump’s Live speech

Yesterday President Trump held a Press Briefing with Members of the Coronavirus Task Force. At one point he was asked about how seriously he was addressing the CCP virus in March. He stated that in late January he put a ban on China because he was reading about bad things happening there. He went on to say that the World Health Organization was covering up for China. Take a look.

Epidemic numbers charts

That’s all for today.

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