Everybody Who Sees Shen Yun Leaves With Something Special, Says Delaware State Representative

Apr 13, 2023
Everybody Who Sees Shen Yun Leaves With Something Special, Says Delaware State Representative
House Representative Mike Ramone enjoyed Shen Yun's sold-out evening show at the Miller Theater on April 12, 2023. (NTD)

PHILADELPHIA—On the evening of April 12, Shen Yun Performing Arts opened the first of its seven consecutive shows at the Miller Theater. Sitting in the sold-out audience was Delaware House minority leader Rep. Mike Ramone.

State Rep. Ramone thoroughly enjoyed the show and thought the performance was “an educational yet artistic experience.”

“It was just excellent. It was very well thought out,” he said. “To see where we came from—through the history of China—to where we ended at the end was just a great experience and a great education.”

While Rep. Ramone loved every aspect of Shen Yun, the director’s bold use of colors made the biggest impression on him.

“The bright colors were very invigorating. Then, of course, seeing the dancing and tying that in with the musical instruments and the singing—it’s all wrapped together.

“It was a very satisfying cultural experience.”

New York-based Shen Yun was founded in 2006 by leading Chinese artists who had fled persecution by the communist party. Their dream is to bring back the country’s 5,000 years of traditional culture that has been largely destroyed under decades of communist rule.

In the 2023 touring season, Shen Yun performers will be traveling to over 180 cities across five continents to share with the world, through dance and music, the beauty of pre-communist China.

However, for their focus on reviving traditional culture and bringing awareness to human rights issues in China, Shen Yun is banned by the communist regime from performing there.

As a state representative, Rep. Ramone is familiar with his local Chinese community and makes frequent visits to Delaware’s Chinese American Cultural Center. Shen Yun furthered his understanding of China’s history and culture.

“Watching the show go from era to era, and through the time cycle was very insightful,” he said. “It puts into order—for those of us who maybe don’t know—what happened when. It was very, very entertaining.”

Referring to the spiritual elements of Shen Yun, Rep. Ramone expressed that he “absolutely believes there is one supreme being.”

“Maybe we come from different perspectives, but if we look at all the different religions—they all tie to that. There is one superior spirit that brought us here and we will all [go] back together,” he said.

“I think that is extremely important to keep us all grounded. I listened to several statements about the atheist belief and some that gravitate away from the divine spirit—that’s concerning. [Shen Yun] helps them to rethink a little bit. That’s very good.”

Rep. Ramone also loved the positive energy of the performance.
“You can’t miss it,” he said. “You feel it in your heart and in your chest. It’s just very exciting and uplifting.”
In his personal life, Rep. Ramone enjoys watching the arts to help him internalize different cultures better. Shen Yun was definitely one of those experiences.

“It’s extremely valuable. Shen Yun did a phenomenal job today. That was a packed house! Everybody was in there and nobody left. [The performers] definitely had our attention,” he added.

“I just hope and pray that every single person that can get in [the theater] watches from now until the end of the tour because everybody who sees it will leave with a little something special. That’s very important.”

Pennsylvania State Rep. Mike Ramone (center) with his wife Lisa J.F. Ramone (left) and Shen Yun emcee John Perry (right) at the Miller Theater in Philadelphia on April 12, 2023. (NTD)
Pennsylvania State Rep. Mike Ramone (center) with his wife Lisa J.F. Ramone (left) and Shen Yun emcee John Perry (right) at the Miller Theater in Philadelphia on April 12, 2023. (NTD)

After the performance, Rep. Ramone presented Shen Yun’s emcee John Perry with a letter of support for Shen Yun’s 2023 tour.

“Shen Yun expresses China’s rich and traditional culture in a language everyone can understand and enjoy,” the letter read. “I applaud the commitment of Shen Yun Performing Arts to preserving China’s early heritage and culture. I wish the artists continued success for many years to come.”

Reporting by NTD and Jennifer Tseng.
The Epoch Times is a proud sponsor of Shen Yun Performing Arts. We have covered audience reactions since Shen Yun’s inception in 2006.
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