Deep Gratitude for Shen Yun Performing Arts

Deep Gratitude for Shen Yun Performing Arts

“I love it. Honestly, the inner child in me felt incredible joy. I can tell the dancers enjoyed it just as much as I did. Obviously there is a great deal of skill and practice that has gone into what is going on, but also the imagination and the fact that it has captured mine.”


“The sounds, the light, the movement, and how everything has been very structured together in such a perfect way. The dancers are perfectly synchronized when they need to be, even their outfits, I can tell, have been made in mind with what they are trying to portray emotionally from their pieces.”


“As an adult in the normal world we live so much in our mind and we live so much in our thoughts and how we are always trying to process certain things and this just removed me from everything else and I just lived in Shen Yun.”


“The music is so good—it is flawless. I forget I am listening to a live performance.”


“I would say this is an experience people should have at least once. I was moved to tears at least a few times. I would recommend Shen Yun highly. I am filled with deep gratitude that this is even a thing.”

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