Creating a Website with a Professional Touch, Four Professionals you Will Definitely Need

Creating a Website with a Professional Touch, Four Professionals you Will Definitely Need
DJ Miller

In the same way that people no longer go to a library to look for general information, people no longer look in papers or business directories to find a product they need, or information on that product. The internet is now the font of all knowledge as far as the public is concerned, and it is here they turn to find the best product, and often to purchase it too. If you are one of the many small businesses running without a website, your business will never attain the growth it could with one. Of course, having a website is one thing; having a successful one is another. When you are deciding on your website you will need the help of professionals, or your website could turn as many people away as they attract. Here are some areas where you will definitely need an expert.


Nothing grabs the attention in the same way as video. It enables you to combine footage of your operation, premises, and services, with sound. This helps to create a much friendlier website, where the public can feel involved in the experience. You can also create a great atmosphere and give information in the form of the spoken word, which will enhance the experience of anybody who visits your site. If your video presentations are badly lit, look disjointed, and the sound is unclear, then your website will look badly made and give an instant bad impression.


Clear, crisp photographs are not beyond the majority of us, and digital cameras will help most people take a decent shot. However, you will want your website to look a bit better that “decent”; so you need a professional’s help. A professional photographer will understand the best way to present the content you decide on for your website' photographs,  will be able to suggest the best angles for building shots, and will know how to light dark rooms for the best effect. Your camera work may be good enough for your family album, but it is probably not good enough for your website.

Designing a Website

The majority of people who surf the net are a very fickle bunch, and they will flick from website to website at an astonishing rate. If you want the people who find your business’ website to find what they are looking for, and make a purchase or employ your services; you will need a well-designed website that will drive sales for you. Making sure that your search facility is not too cumbersome, or that your layout does not annoy visitors so much that they move to another site, are both areas of web design expertise; so leave these and the many others to web designers.

Web Hosting

It is all well and good that your website is up and running, but you now need to make sure that it is available on the net all of the time. This is why so many people rely on companies like Umbee Hosting to manage and control their websites. If you rely on your own ability to keep your website running consistently, at some point, you will lose business because of it. Whereas, a professional company will make sure your site is available all of the time.

All successful companies have a well-designed and maintained website; and if you believe that you will be able to compete in the modern world without one, you are going to be in for a surprise.


DJ Miller is a graduate student at the University of Tampa. He's an avid gadget geek and spends most of his time reading or writing. He is a huge fantasy sports fan and even runs his own advice site for Fantasy Help.