Chinese Copy Russian Daredevils’ Scaling of Shanghai Tower

Two Chinese men climbed the Shanghai Tower less than two weeks after two Russians released a video of their conquest of China’s tallest building.
Chinese Copy Russian Daredevils’ Scaling of Shanghai Tower
Screenshot showing one of two young Chinese men, who scaled the Shanghai Tower, China's tallest building. (Screenshot/

Two young Chinese men have climbed the Shanghai Tower less than two weeks after two Russians released a video of their conquest of China’s tallest building, and the second tallest building in the world.

The tower is still under construction, and is expected to open next year. It is 691 yards high, and has 121 floors.

The two men are in their twenties, and work as street performers in Shanghai, according to The Observer, a publication in China. They climbed the structure at night, stayed in the draft tube the next day to avoid being discovered by workers, and left the following night.

The video shows them dressed in traditional Chinese clothing, saying they were on the top floor, and that it was minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit.

Local authorities reportedly tightened security after the Russian pair’s antics, but not all the barriers were in place when the Chinese duo got in. Fences have now been erected around the site, and workers must enter with ID through a turnstile.

Vadim Makhorov and Vitaliy Raskalov, also known as “OnTheRoofs,” who climbed the tower earlier this month, have just posted new footage of their adventure on their YouTube channel, showing how they got back down.