Chinese Communist Party Corrupt Beyond Hope, Says Guizhou Resident

Chinese Communist Party Corrupt Beyond Hope, Says Guizhou Resident

Recently, “Mr. Yang,” a Guizhou resident who has withdrawn from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), had a lengthy conversation with The Sound of Hope.

“My name is Yang, and I live in Guizhou,” he said in the interview. “If someone comes out now to overthrow the CCP, then I’m all for it. I can’t stand to watch the CCP’s actions. If someone comes out to overthrow it today, I would be the first in line to give support.

“This is because I am concerned about the state of our society in China, and so I support those who oppose the Party. For my part, I will get many more people to pass this information along to friends and neighbors so they will have a better understanding of present day China and the levels of corruption in its society.”

Because the powers given to government officials are not supervised and controlled by the people, the CCP has become very corrupt. Yang said that the combination of government corruption and the unjust treatment of the common people has stirred up anger in Chinese society.

“I am fuming inside at the current state of our society,” he continued.

“Those high regime officials do many things that infuriate the people. These officials are corrupt, and the people can only watch and let the anger boil up inside. There is nothing we can do. There are many, many examples of unfairness.”

In China, millions of peasant workers are not provided with legal protection as provided for in the wage laws. Often they are not paid on time and deprived in many other ways.

Yang gave an example, “The society is so corrupt, many privately owned factories don’t obey the country’s labor laws. The worker’s are not protected. The number of complaints from workers are rapidly increasing.

“Workers in China are mostly from the peasant classes. They usually spend over 10 hours each day in the factory. Many private factory owners don’t obey China’s labor laws. Factory owners can delay your pay for two to three months. Guizhou’s economy is not as well developed as many other places, so many people go to Guangdong to find work. Many of the factories there don’t pay according to what the law says is a fair living wage. Because corruption starts with the government, all of Chinese society has become corrupt.”

Beside the labor issue, Yang also pointed out that the gap between urban and rural parts of the country is widening, and the economic conditions are severely unbalanced. The government tax in rural areas is actually higher than that of urban areas. In the rural areas, earning a decent living is very difficult. All people can think about is food and shelter to get through the day. There is never any money left over for luxuries.

Yang then continued to say that the economic conditions in China are very unbalanced. In the cities, the taxes are fair. But in rural areas, taxes are very high. It is difficult for the ordinary Chinese person to make an honest living. Don’t even dream about having money for luxuries. One is grateful just to have food and shelter to get through the day. Forget about having a car, a house, or any savings.

All over China people are saying “We don’t want the Olympics! We want human rights!” Yang believes China would be better off if the regime put the money and effort devoted to the Olympics into improving the common people’s lives.

Yang concluded by saying: “Honestly, I feel there is no point in hosting the Olympics, because it doesn’t do any good for the people. If only the CCP could fix some of the problems and improve the lives of the common people, then I would be all for it.”

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