Business Advisor Loves the Traditions Being Brought Back to Life in Shen Yun

Business Advisor Loves the Traditions Being Brought Back to Life in Shen Yun
Ron Torretti enjoyed watching Shen Yun Performing Arts at Jones Hall in Houston, Texas, on Dec. 26, 2017. Sarah Guo/The Epoch Times

“It is exceptional—the desire, the love for what they are doing. It just shows throughout the whole performance. The colors and the way everything flows … It’s really nice. I liked that.”

“It’s kind of shocking in a way to think that 1.6 billion people in China still can’t express their desire for a higher authority. That they are still suppressed in so many ways … Why would you want to suppress something as beautiful as this in [China]. Doesn’t make any sense.”

“I love the traditional—it is exciting to see when you think about the 5000 years history or so. Brings you way, way back in time.”

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