Biochemist Deeply Moved by Shen Yun

Biochemist Deeply Moved by Shen Yun

“I was fascinated. I loved it. I had a lot of expectations, and I wasn’t disappointed at all. ... This year, I got the tickets in time and invited my mom, and next year we will surely do the same.”

“[I felt] very good, very comfortable, fascinated. At times, I felt deeply moved. There were very emotional moments. … The truth is that I didn’t want the stories [told in dance] to end.”

“[I experienced] emotions of tenderness, feelings of joy, love, hope for the future. So much culture that has been preserved through the years, that also touches me and also connects me to the culture of my country. It woke up that kind of emotion, the re-encounter with old cultures or practices. To rescue them and to transmit them seems to me the most important thing.”

“I find [the spiritual aspect] very valuable and above all to rescue it and keep it alive and continue to keep it alive from generation to generation.”

“[Shen Yun’s mission] seems to me an extraordinary goal. It is an excellent way to be able to transport [the traditional culture] to other countries, to other cultures. In that way, it can be fused to other cultures. I find it excellent. I think it is a very good idea, a good intention.”

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