Australian Immunology Expert: COVID-19 Virus Shows Unexpected Affinity for Human Cells

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The CCP virus originally broke out in Wuhan and has caused dramatic changes in the world over the past six months. Many countries have closed their borders, cities, schools, and shops, and applied social distancing.

However, scientists have discovered that this virus is very unusual. The latest research has found that the CCP virus has a much higher affinity to human cells than other animal cells being studied, including many common host animals, such as bats and pangolins, which makes the origins of the virus more mysterious.

The research team of Nikolai Petrovsky, a professor at the Flinders University School of Medicine in Australia, used structural homology modeling methods to compare the affinity of the CCP virus between human cells and 13 common hosts. The results show that the spike protein of the CCP virus has the highest binding affinity to the human ACE2 receptor, surpassing all other tested species, including bats, confusing researchers. Many people considered a bat to be the source of the virus. So where did this virus originate from?

Professor Petrovsky told NTD that their research implied that the COVID-19 virus had in some way been exposed to human cells or humans in the past to have evolved such a high affinity. Petrovsky said that the virus’s high affinity to human cells is unusual for newly emerging viruses that are jumping across species.

Professor Petrovsky said: “And then over time, it increases its affinity to the new host, which is ... but in this case it already has a very high affinity for the human receptor, so that was the surprising part of the findings.”

Professor Petrovsky is an immunology expert. For the past 25 years, he has been engaged in plague vaccine research and participated in developing more than 20 vaccines, including SARS, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), CCP virus, swine flu, Avian influenza, and Ebola virus vaccines. Professor Petovysky explained that when a virus has existed in an animal for tens of thousands of years, or hundreds of thousands of years, people call it a natural host.

Professor Petrovsky said: “So in that situation, the virus has made itself so optimally, designed itself to be perfect for that particular host species, because it’s evolved over time with that host. And so that’s why you always expect the virus to bind highest to its natural host. And then it will bind less strongly to a different host, so, so yes ... the expectation is that it should be highest for the natural host.”

“If we didn’t know anything about this virus, and we just studied with no information, we would assume from data that humans were the natural host. That’s what the data looks like.”

Professor Petrovsky said that in human history, human beings have never been the natural host of any virus. Almost all plagues spread from animals to humans.

If there are exceptions, it is a plague caused by leaking pathogens from some laboratories.

Even though the research data suggests that the CCP virus has had prior contact with humans, it is hard for scholars to believe it since it was not until last November that people were found to be infected with the virus.

It has been approximately 6 months since the CCP virus was discovered, but it shows a strong affinity for human cells.

How did it appear out of thin air, where did the CCP virus originate from?

A special article from The Epoch Times may give people some ideas. The article said that in history, the end of most dynasties was accompanied by plagues and natural disasters, which end regimes. Taking history as a mirror and overviewing the spread of Wuhan plague in countries around the world today, it could be said that the virus is aimed at the CCP.

Distant countries, such as Iran, Italy, France, and Germany, or close neighbors such as South Korea and Japan, have suffered heavy losses in this plague because of their close relationship with the CCP.

However, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Mongolia, which share borders with mainland China, have experienced only mild outbreaks because they oppose or alienate the CCP. The spread of the CCP virus outside of China clearly shows the selective spread of targeting the CCP.
Correction: An earlier version of this article misspelled the last name of the professor. The correct spelling is Petrovsky. The Epoch Times regrets the error.