Artist ‘Very Impressed’ With Shen Yun’s Colors, Visual Effects

Artist ‘Very Impressed’ With Shen Yun’s Colors, Visual Effects
Ginger Rey, an artist who works with paintbrushes, pencils, pens, and ink, enjoyed the Shen Yun matinee performance at the McCallum Theatre in Palm Desert, Calif., on April 28, 2018. Alex Lee/The Epoch Times

“I’m very impressed. I really love the visual effects coming out of the screen [animated backdrop]. That’s the most impressive part, and the colors are just great.”

“The colors are very vibrant. ... I just love the way the dresses flow, and the coordination, and it’s just very classic.”

“The dancing is great. The story line is good. I loved finding out about the meditation, Falun Dafa. ... I'd really love to tell other people about it.”

“I’m from South Carolina. I used to live in Los Angeles, but I came a long way to see the show for my birthday.”

“It was nice the way [Shen Yun] presented the history. I enjoyed that a lot!”

“It’s a very meditative, relaxing entertainment.”

“I like the long sleeves ['Han Dynasty Sleeves’ vignette]. ... It’s just so flowing, and it takes me on an adventure—probably the artist in me.”

“I’ve always thought [Chinese culture was very spiritual]. I’ve been always attracted more to Eastern culture, for spirituality.”

“I like the baritone, what they were showing on the screen. ... I like that they added [the lyrics].”

“Spirituality is great. We need more of that.”

“I was surprised that they couldn’t [perform] in China today. ... But, I’m glad that they can do it here.”

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