Artist Struck By the History of China and Beautiful Dances of Shen Yun

Artist Struck By the History of China and Beautiful Dances of Shen Yun

“It is very beautiful, and I was struck by the history of China, the ancient, beautiful dances and how it brought to [us] what is happening now in China — the Cultural Revolution and the difficulties that people are having today — and I enjoyed seeing that... They couldn’t show that in China, but it is New York-based, and I am enjoying it very much.” 

“The costuming and the dancing — it is just beautiful, fabulous. Very beautiful.” 

“[The dancers] do spectacularly. They are very well trained. They do a very beautiful job. The movements are wonderful. They are precise and elegant.”

“[The orchestra’s coordination with the dancers] is very, very wonderful, the way they coordinated that.”

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