Apple’s Magic Trackpad Approved by FCC

Apple’s new trackpad model, A1339, has received the Federal Communications Commission’s approval.
Apple’s Magic Trackpad Approved by FCC
Apple’s new trackpad model, A1339, has received the Federal Communications Commission’s approval.

There may be an official announcement from Apple regarding the release of the product within this week, according to CNET.

The actual name of the model is still unknown, but a possible name is “Magic Trackpad” to go with Apple’s other product, the Magic Mouse. The input device can be connected to desktop computers and laptops via Bluetooth, like the Apple keyboard, without any associated filings for WiFi or WWAN networks.

The trackpad has the same width as the Apple keyboard, with a six inch diagonal tracking area according to pictures leaked on Engadget a month ago.

It is expected to bring Apple’s signature finger based input, as seen on the iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad, to desktops.

Test reports for the product were completed in October last year, but it was not heard of until MacRumors posted an article about the trackpad earlier this year.