Earthquake Startles People Of Guatemala

Guatemala was shaken early Monday morning by an earthquake that registered 6.0 on the Richter Scale but there have been no reported deaths.
Earthquake Startles People Of Guatemala
Members of the Humanitarian and Rescue Unit (UHR) of the Guatemalan Army prepare to leave to Haiti, on January 13, 2010 in Guatemala City. Planeloads of rescuers and relief supplies headed to Haiti today. Johan Ordonez/AFP/Getty Images
<a><img src="" alt="Members of the Humanitarian and Rescue Unit (UHR) of the Guatemalan Army prepare to leave to Haiti, on January 13, 2010 in Guatemala City. Planeloads of rescuers and relief supplies headed to Haiti today. (Johan Ordonez/AFP/Getty Images)" title="Members of the Humanitarian and Rescue Unit (UHR) of the Guatemalan Army prepare to leave to Haiti, on January 13, 2010 in Guatemala City. Planeloads of rescuers and relief supplies headed to Haiti today. (Johan Ordonez/AFP/Getty Images)" width="320" class="size-medium wp-image-1823914"/></a>
Members of the Humanitarian and Rescue Unit (UHR) of the Guatemalan Army prepare to leave to Haiti, on January 13, 2010 in Guatemala City. Planeloads of rescuers and relief supplies headed to Haiti today. (Johan Ordonez/AFP/Getty Images)
Guatemala was shaken early Monday morning by an earthquake that registered 6.0 on the Richter Scale but there were no reported deaths.

At 9:40 AM, the quake rattled the Pacific sea-coast causing minimal damage and no fatalities or related injuries.

Guatemala, which has a population of 14 million, has frequent seismic activity which has caused tragedies in the country, but this time it only left the citizens startled.

Haiti is still recovering from a 7.0 quake that killed thousands of people and has drawn attention from around the world.

This earthquake was nowhere as devastating as the 7.5 earthquake in February of 1976 that killed 23,000 people.