Toronto Weather Forecast Today, and For the Next 7 Days

The weather forecast for Toronto today, Friday, is mainly sunny, with wind speeds up to 13 miles per hour, and highs of 10 degrees Fahrenheit. For the next 7 days, expect to see a series of snowfalls, starting with a few scattered flurries on Saturday evening. On Sunday, there will be a 60 percent chance of snow with cloudy skies, with winds southwest up to 18 miles per hour, according to Environment Canada. Accuweather reports that Sunday afternoon may bring in three to six inches of snow.
Toronto Weather Forecast Today, and For the Next 7 Days

The weather forecast for Toronto today, Friday, is mainly sunny, with wind speeds up to 13 miles per hour, and highs of 10 degrees Fahrenheit.

For the next 7 days, expect to see a series of snowfalls, starting with a few scattered flurries on Saturday evening. 

On Sunday, there will be a 60 percent chance of snow with cloudy skies, with winds southwest up to 18 miles per hour, according to Environment Canada.

Accuweather reports that Sunday afternoon may bring in three to six inches of snow.

On Monday, there’s a 70 percent chance of snow all through the day. That chance diminishes as the storm starts weakening on Tuesday and Wednesday.

On both there is a chance of sunny and cloudy skies, with Tuesday having a 30 percent percent chance of flurries, and Wednesday likely bringing no new snow. 

Thursday is expected to be cloudy with lows of 15 degrees Fahrenheit, and highs of 21 degrees Fahrenheit.