Skier Tumbles Down 1,000 Ft Slope and Survives


A professional skier accidentally lost her balance and fell onto her back that led to a straight plunge down the steep slope. In an interview, Angel Collison said she felt lucky that she got away with “two sprained fingers and a bit of bruising, and that’s it.” 

“It was almost liked time stopped, and it was blissful in a weird way,” she said. “The human body is pretty dang resilient, and skiing is a pretty fun sport.”

The incident took place last Spring when Collision was filming with an action sports company,  Teton Gravity Research.

This is not the first time a professional skier fell down the mountainside on camera and survived. Around the same time, pro-skier Ian Mcintosh fell 1,600 ft. after skiing into a five-foot trench.